Northwest RiverPartners is a not-for-profit, member-driven organization that advocates carbon-free hydropower. Its diverse members include consumer-owned utilities, ports, and businesses across the Northwest. NWRP is focused on raising awareness about how the Northwest’s hydropower system betters local communities and the natural environment. In doing so, NWRP encourages science-based solutions that help hydropower and salmon
coexist and thrive. Members represent more than 4M electric utility customers, thousands of farmers and employees, and small and large businesses that provide hundreds of thousands of jobs for communities across the Northwest.
Since 2019, we have been advising NWRP on positioning, messaging and content development, and media strategy within the evolving debate about the use of hydroelectric dams and the role of hydropower alongside wind and solar in our clean energy future. Over the course of the campaign, we have supported NWRP in generating positive, informed and persuasive influence among key stakeholders and reframing the organization’s communications tone and approach. We have also helped to more broadly educate influencers and increase media traction nationally and in the Pacific Northwest.
During 2021, the campaign resulted in over 100 editorial articles and NWRP opinion pieces across regional and national news outlets including Politico, The Hill, and The Seattle Times. NWRP executive director, Kurt Miller is now positioned as a frequent commentator on T.V., radio, and policy panels. We also secured Kurt’s keynote roles at the BUSINESS AND THE ENVIRONMENT CONFERENCE 2021, HYDROVISION INTERNATIONAL 2022, and the CEATI INTERNATIONAL HYDROPOWER CONFERENCE in 2023.
We develop effective campaigns by clearly defining objectives, getting key stakeholder buy-in, utilizing multi-channels, and aligning with your business objectives.
We develop effective PR campaigns by clearly defining objectives, setting metrics, and securing key stakeholder buy-in.